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لێدوانی عارف باوەجانی سەرۆکی پارتی سەربەستیی کوردستان، بە زمانی ئینگلیزی بۆ گۆڤاری (

ناوەندی ڕاگەیاندنی پارتی سەربەستیی کوردستان
لێدوانی عارف باوەجانی سەرۆکی پارتی سەربەستیی کوردستان، بە زمانی ئینگلیزی بۆ گۆڤاری (

Arif Bawecani to the interLib, it is a Magazine for Liberal International British Group. About the executions of the Iranian regime, in the Eastern of Kurdista


minor-bidi;mso-bidi-language:#0492">لێدوانی عارف باوەجانی سەرۆکی پارتی سەربەستیی کوردستان،  بە زمانی ئینگلیزی بۆ گۆڤاری ( ئینتەر لیب 
inter libmso-ascii-font-family:Calibri;mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin;mso-hansi-font-family:
minor-bidi;mso-bidi-language:#0492">) زمانحالی لیبراڵی نێودەوڵەتی گرووپی بەیتانیا، لە سەر لە سێدارەدانی خەڵکی ڕۆژەڵاتی کوردستان لە لایەن ڕێژیمی ئێرانەوە.  

Arif Bawecani to the interLib, it is a Magazine for Liberal International British Group. About  the executions of the Iranian regime, in the Eastern of Kurdistan
Arif Bawecani, is Leader of the Party Serbesti Kurdistan (PSK) the Kurdish Liberal Democrat party, and is active in the struggle for Kurdish rights and Kurdish Diplomacy in diaspora

mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin">عارف باوەجانی رئیس حزب سربستی کوردستان، مع مجلة
  interLib mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin;mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri;mso-hansi-theme-font:
minor-latin">، وهي مجلة تابعة  للمجموعة البريطانية الليبرالية الدولية. حول إعدامات النظام الإيراني في شرق کوردستان



The Plight of Kurd’s in Iran

Arif Bawecani

The regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran, from the first days after coming to power until today, has

resorted to a lot of oppression, harassment and threats against people and those who work for the truth and freedom, and among these threats figured, execution is always the most dangerous.
The regime continues to practice capital punishment as a tool to repress activists. According to Amnesty International statistics, 2020 witnessed the execution of at least 246 people in Iran, but the number is expected to be much higher, as many executions are not disclosed. Statistics show that anyone who opposes the Iranian Islamic government is accused of fighting against God (Moharebeh). During their 42 years of rule and power in Iran, thousands of Kurdish socio-political activists and other nations were executed on various charges.
The dogmatic and oligarchic ruling system in Iran sees the only solution to the demands of non-Persian nations in their physical elimination, and therefore, after imprisonment and mortal torture, execution is a preferable solution for them.
The leaders of the ruling regime believe that the continuous and widespread executions can control all the demands and protests of the different sections of society and guarantee the life and permanence of their rule by creating a government of terror. However, even the scale of physical eliminations and global repression has not been able to weaken the will of the Kurdish nation and other non-Persian nations in Iran to exercise their rights, including the right to self-determination.
Available statistics show that more than half of the victims of capital punishment in Iran have been Kurds. Moreover, most of the political prisoners were and are Kurds. Over the past 42 years, we have witnessed international pressures and stances against the excessive execution of the death penalty in Iran. Over the years, human rights organizations, rapporteurs and the UN Secretary General have regularly reported reports, and the UN General Assembly has condemned human rights violations and the increase in executions in Iran.
Despite international criticism and pressure, the number of executions is increasing every year and the Iranian government does not care about the opinions of the international community.
Executions take place daily, openly or covertly, and the Islamic State s execution machine keeps claiming more and more victims. Two months ago, a Kurdish activist from Eastern Kurdistan, Mr. Haider Qurbani, was secretly executed without warning. His family and lawyer were unaware of the details of his case and the execution of the sentence. The Iranian authorities accused Haider Qurbani of his membership in the Centre-left Kurdistan Democratic Party - Iran, and his opposition to the Iranian state.
The death sentence was carried out at a time when a number of UN rapporteurs and experts, including: Mr. Javaid Rehman¹, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran; Mr. Morris Tidball Binz, Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions. and human rights organizations had called on the Iranian government to suspend his execution and allow a fair trial. Arif Bawecani
Arif Bawecani, is Leader of the Party Serbesti Kurdistan (PSK) the Kurdish Liberal Democrat party, and is active in the struggle for Kurdish rights and Kurdish Diplomacy in diaspora.

¹ Statement by Javaid Rehman, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republicof Iran, at the forty-sixth session of the Human Rights Council - Item 4, Geneva 9th March 2021



2022-02-21 08:11:10

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تاگ : مصاحبه‌ها
ناوەندی ڕۆشنبیری و ڕاگەیاندنی پارتی سەربەستیی کوردستان
عارف باوەجانی
ناوەندی ڕۆشنبیری و ڕاگەیاندنی پارتی سەربەستیی کوردستان
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