Saturday 4th of May 2024

The execution of 59 young men in Mahabad.

Arif Bawecani

From 01.06.1983, 59 young men were executed by the Iranian regime in Mahabad, the city for the purpose of intimidating Kurds. But

The execution of 59 young men in Mahabad.   increased to tens of thousands of executions in Kurdistan, but we continue the fight. for freedom From 01.06.1983, 59 young men were executed by the Iranian regime in Mahabad, the city for the purpose of intimidating Kurds. But after this historic crime of the dictatorial regime, the number of executions of Kurdish youths led to tens of thousands, but they failed to stop Kurdistan with the struggle. the Kurdish people, continue to get their rights, These occupation regimes believe they can stop 60 million Kurdish people with murder and execution for their rights. Occupation landers should think of another solution, not murder and destruction. The Kurds succeeded in many of their exams   Arif Bawecani, leader of the Party Serbesti Kurdistan PSK
2022/06/03 08:51:11



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