Friday 3rd of May 2024

Are the Persians willing to change the name to Zagrosland, or Madistan, or the United Nations of Zag

Arif Bavacanî

The question is why we have always proposed peace and coexistence to them when they have always responded by killing, carrying out

  Are the Persians willing to change the name to Zagrosland, or Madistan, or the United Nations of Zagros? Written by: Arif Bawecani   Unfortunately, we have always been told and accepted at universities that the picture Persian historians tell us about this geographical area is the truth. Apparently, they had many different governments and systems of government throughout history. But when we go back to the roots of history, until the 19th century, most of the state revolutions and governments were regional or local. They were not subject to the Persians. That is to say, each people had exercised their power in one way or another, but in smaller geographical areas. This is how we have suffered in stolen history. We Kurds and most other peoples have lost most of our historical rights and important national positions, which has prevented us from identifying as a nation other than Persia. The aim of the Persians has been to remain as permanent rulers over other nations and peoples. They consider it a duty and necessity to survive, and they will continue the narrative to advance their own interests. That is why it is very important for us to tell our story and correct the Persians' stolen storytelling. We have to learn from them how to use it scientifically for our survival. The question is why we have always proposed peace and coexistence to them when they have always responded by killing, carrying out genocide and destroying us. Put another way; To preserve their so-called integrity and show their benevolence, are the Persians willing to change the name of the country to 'Madistan' or ' Zagrosland ' or 'United Nations of Zagros? In this way, to make it clear to international observers that those who talk about preserving the integrity of the border, to ignore the feelings of nervousness and racism that live in Persianism, and say that the good intentions of coexistence must accept such a name change. In this way, everyone within the borders will consider themselves owners of this common geographical area. The fact is that during this period, whenever the Kurdish nation and other nations spoke about their rights, the ruling Persian rulers have ignored their demands, but confronted them with fire and iron, attacks and dozens of accusations. They have accused them of being the leaders of an external conspiracy.
2023/06/04 11:46:24



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