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The International Zagros Forum for the Future of Non-Persian Peoples in Iran was held

The Forum opened with a speech by Mr. Arif Bawacani, the Forum chairman and the leader of the Zagros Liberal Alliance. He welcomed all participants English, Ara

 The International Zagros Forum for the Future of Non-Persian Peoples in Iran was held. With the participation of a number of prominent personalities in the world, The International Zagros Forum for the Future of Non-Persian Peoples in Iran was held on March 7, 2021 via zoom. Many famous people from major countries such as the United States, Israel, Great Britain and many other countries participated in this forum.The Forum opened with a speech by Mr. Arif Bawacani, the Forum chairman and the leader of the Zagros Liberal Alliance. He welcomed all participants English, Arabic, Kurdish and Farsi. He spoke briefly about the goal of this forum the plan of the liberal Zagros Alliance.The people who spoke at the Zagros International Forum for the future of non-Persian peoples in Iran:Dr. Edy Cohen from Israel.Dr. Mordechai Kedar from Israel.Dr. Ashley Ansar from the United States, member of the American Republican Party and member of the board of the American Middle East Alliance for Democracy (AMCD)Mrs. Hevi Buzo, diplomatic, political researcher in American politics with the Middle East, and media activity test for the political situation in America and the Middle East.Mr. Philip Binion, Former Member of the European Parliament 1999-2020, Member of Liberal International.Dr. Saman Shali, Kurdish diplomat, researcher for American and international politicsRabbi Yaakov Yisrael on behalf of Herzog, in the United States.Dr. Imad al-Din from Saudi Arabia.Mohamed Ahmed from Sudan, Legal Adviser and President of the Sudanese Federal Council, active in the Abraham Peace Council.The forum program was divided into two parts.The first part was devoted to all the countries and nations of Iran that were invited to speak. It also included these representatives from the peoples under Iranian control:Mojtaba Yaqoubi, International Relations Officer, Democratic Caspian Party.Tawfiq Abdul Karim, director of the Media Center for the Ahwaz Liberal Party.Arif Bawacani, leader of Party Serbesti Kurdistan PSK, from Eastern Kurdistan.Muhaim Sarkhosh, International Committee - for the Balochistan National Solidarity Party.Framarz Bakhtiar, Secretary General of the Bakhtiari United Party, Lorestan, Kogeloy and Boyerhammed (Lorestanat)Ahmed Abali. CEO of South Azerbaijan Channel (Gunaz TV)The second part was for dialogue.The following people from the three powerful countries had more information about the countries policies towards Iran and the Middle East, and they answered the participants questions.Dr. Edy Cohen from Israel.Dr. Ashley Ansara is from the United States, a member of the American Republican Party, and a member of the board of the American Middle East Coalition for Democracy (AMCD).Mrs. Hevi Buzo, diplomatic, political researcher in American politics with the Middle East, and media activity test for the political situation in America and the Middle East.Mr. Philip Binion, Former Member of the European Parliament 1999-2020, Member of Liberal International.In addition to these people, a large number of politicians, activists and journalists from the non-Persian nation and people from several countries in the world participated in the Zagros International Forum for the Future of the Non-Persian Peoples in Iran. In addition, delegates from Shahram Sahdpour and Abbas Al-Tamimi collaborated with Arif Bawacani to run the program.In the closing speech, Arif Bawacani thanked all the participants again and promised them that they would be invited to the second forum in a country to be determined after the COVID-19 crisis ends.Finally, all the speakers and participants extended their thanks and appreciation to the leader of the program, Arif Bawacani.The forum lasted three and a half hours. Media room for the Liberal Zagros Alliance.8-3 - 2021
2021-03-28 10:24:07



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